Go Where I Send Thee

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Girls Welcome Their New Brother

The New and Improved Lennard Family

Adopted, Again

Cole is probably beginning to wonder if he will ever be done going through all the steps is takes to be our son. I believe we have finally passed the last hurdle. This morning we went to the courthouse and he became Cole Matthew Lennard, again. This time in the great state of Nebraska. I believe he was rather scared, especially after he looked into the courtroom. But the hearing was very uneventful compared to the Ukranian drama. Nobody was running around copying papers at the last minute, we weren't trying to find out who to pay and how much. We weren't asked any prying questions. And best of all our whole family got to be there this time! Cole will soon have an official Nebraska birth certificate. We will no longer have to send in a document that nobody can read. And most importantly Cole is "hereby fully and legally adopted." Praise God!