Go Where I Send Thee

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


As I was looking over the VanPutten's blog spot I noticed a link to our own blog. I felt slightly embarrassed that we had never updated when the other blogs listed have given updates on their children. I have often thought about updating but never did so this is the update on the lennard6.

Cole is doing well. He is at church camp this week from Sun-Fri. His sister Ariel is there with him too and I must say we are enjoying some peace and quiet at our house. Cole's English is progressing along very well. He doesn't like us to speak the few things we know in Russian to him, he says "English". He finished up the school year in an ELL class with a boy from China and a few from Mexico. Some days we weren't sure what language he was speaking. He took three weeks of summer school where he continued to hone his language and math skills.

He is a very busy boy and likes to be doing something every minute. I am thankful that the pool is nearby and he gets to see his friends there on a daily basis. He will start playing on a local soccer team soon, so that should take some of his energy. He seems to be adjusting well to his new family and country. Some days are better than others. Although I have never felt we had a lot of rules to go by in our house I have discovered that I am constantly finding new ones I need to tell Cole about. One important one being "no riding your bike on the highway".

The girls love Cole and he loves the attention they lavish on him. Sometimes he says, "Mama, three sisters, OY!" I remind him that we warned him about them when we were in Ukraine and he was fine with them then. He is devoted to his dad and sometimes Kyle gets just a little more loving from Cole than he is used to.

We still all think about the friends we made in Ukraine and pray for them nightly. We are thankful that another girl from Cole's class will hopefully be in America soon. Cole will be happy to see her!


At 9:20 PM, Blogger Cynthia said...

Kyle and Susie,

My name is Cynthia and I live in Alphharetta, GA. I loved your blog about your adoption of Cole. My husband and I are adopting one of Cole's classmates. I'd love to connect with you so that the two might be able to talk once our guy is home. You can email me at rennoldc@bellsouth.net. I hope to hear from you! Cynthia


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