Go Where I Send Thee

Saturday, April 16, 2005

I am crying as I write this last blog from Odessa. We leave tomorrow on a bus for Kiev. Today we had a going away party for Cole. We went to the store and bought all his favorite foods, had pictures made up of his class for all his friends. The children are all so happy to see us when we come. We ate, read books, played games and took pictures and videos of all. Kyle played hangman with the boys, a hard task when neither speak the other's language. My sweet Dima Shugachev asked Galina how to write I love Susie in English for his turn at hangman. When we left the kids all followed us outside and still kept hanging on to us and Cole, wondering when we would come back. Some of the kids started crying and then I started crying. Cole has spent all of his last 8 years with a lot of these children and they are like a family to him. I feel like they have become part of our family as well. I cry because I wish we could take more of them home with us,I cry because I wish they all had a family to love them, and I cry because we will probably never see them again. Lela is doing a wonderful job being a grandmother to these children, but I know that she prays as I will that all these children will have a home and a family of their own. We thank you all so much for praying for us and I ask that you continue to pray for these kids, that they will also know and love Jesus. Monday we will continue on trying to finish up with with everything, pray that it all goes smoothly. As I hear Cole calling for Papa in the background I thank God that he has made it possible for us to take one of these precious children home with us.


At 10:08 AM, Blogger Yak said...

Oh Susie, what a blessing you and Kyle have been for all the children you have met. I am smiling as tears well up in my eyes as well. The joy of Cole coming home with you, the saddness of leaving. Such a mix of emotions. Everyone one at school has eagerly followed your, keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. The children you have met have also become part of our lives. Prayers for them will continue to be offered. Blessings on everyone.

Peace, Love, and Prayers.

At 5:39 AM, Blogger Ted and Amy said...

Susie I bet Cole wouldn't mind having a brother! ; ),(Dima S.) We pray for your safe travel to Kiev and quick processing of the rest of the procedures. We anxiously await your arrival home!
Love Ted Amy
Miranda Ariana Ty and Tahner


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