Go Where I Send Thee

Saturday, October 01, 2005


The Lennard family is now an official soccer family. If people thought we spent a lot of time playing soccer before we spend twice as much time now. Kyle is off to Chicago this weekend with Lauren to play in the Best of the Midwest tournament. The rest of the family stayed home because Cole had two games this weekend and Lacey had Homecoming.Lauren would have liked to attend Homecoming but soccer usually wins out with her. Cole is doing very well on his team. He is fast and has a good aim. He is still getting used to playing a position as he had never experienced that before. He asked last night why the coach was always shouting to "Rush in!" Cole thought he was saying "Russian!" We still get some things like that. Cole is understanding more everyday. His conversational English is good. He started out in school being in all regular classes but the teachers quickly figured out that he wasn't understanding school language very well. He is back in ELL for nine weeks and then they hope to mainstream him back in.

Cole is making many new friends. There are boys at our door on a daily basis asking for him to play football,a new sport that he is enjoying. He wants to get on a team but we told him he would have to toughen up a bit first. He still prays for all his friends at the internot, that they will be adopted. It has been awhile since he has said that he wants to go back to Ukraine. I think he finally feels like he is fitting into the family. When people ask me how it is going, I usually say some days are better than others. Adoption is not for the weak or faint-hearted. It is truly a big job. But when God calls you to do something he equips you for it. I am thankful that we are all in it as a family. I can't imagine having Cole here without Kyle or the girls.


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